We are beginning 2025 with 21 Days of Prayer.

Why? Because prayer is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us for our daily lives. As you make prayer a priority in your spiritual journey, we believe you will experience more of God’s presence and growth in your relationship with God!

It’s our hope that your prayer life becomes more natural, effective, and enjoyable.

As we set aside time to seek God in prayer intentionally and believe for Him to move in powerful ways, we raise our spiritual focus and lower our secular focus. This shift in focus prepares our hearts for all the good things He desires to bring into our lives.

During these 21 days, we will provide a one-hour prayer experience each Monday-Thursday mornings, including worship, personal prayer time, and corporate prayer.

We are also opening up our brand new Chapel Prayer Room located in our student building where you can schedule one hour of prayer by yourself, with your spouse, your family, or close friends. Our goal is to see 21 days of 24 hour prayer here at Chapel. Your can learn more about the Prayer Room by clicking the button below or you can go ahead and schedule your one hour prayer time!