Men, Women & Senior Adults


Our men’s ministry exists for one reason – to train and guide you to emerge as the LEADER of yourself, your family, your church, and your community you were created to be! This happens through brotherhood, discipleship, and using the tools of our FAITH to influence our families, communities, and nation.

Whether you are inspired to dominate in the marketplace or you have a passion for using your voice to captivate and relate to your peers, EMERGE is your training ground to step deeper into your GREATNESS!


Emerge Nights are opportunities to connect with other men as we have fun, eat amazing manly food, learn how to emerge as leaders, and discuss how we lead ourselves and our families better. It is a large group teaching format with roundtable discussion.

Emerge Nights are on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm in the Gathering Room during the Community Group semester.

6:30pm | Food

7:00pm | Teaching

7:30pm | Discussion


A beautiful, multifaceted and ever-expanding communit of women from different backgrounds and seasons of life. Women who walk by faith, boldly standing up for truth. Women who understand that every girl is magnificently designed on purpose by her Creator and that connected and united as one, we are stronger and shine brighter… revealing the light of heaven in our homes, communities and the world! We host many women’s events and community groups throughout the year to help women grow, connect, and be empowered to be all that God has called them to be.

Forever Young

Forever Young is a community for everyone 55 years old and older to connect and share life together. They meet monthly for connection and fun plus take trips and host events.